
Drinking six-year-old flavored syrup-water is probably a bad idea

Why are they called fountain drinks?  Shouldn't they be called faucet drinks?

Remember Surge? Well, of course you do (at least I sincerely hope you do, otherwise this article isn't going to bring about the same fuzzy feelings it's bringing to me as I'm writing it, and you don't want to miss out on these fuzzy feelings, because they're great...and...and fuzzy...yeah, so...). If you don't remember it and can't for some reason (be it laziness or otherwise) Google it, I'll go ahead and give you a one line explanation to jog your memory (after all, a lot of bizarre soda pops have come and gone over the last decade or so). Notice I said "soda pop?" I used both of the disputed terms together, bringing harmony between the varying regional dialects, because I'm a man of peace. Oh yeah...that one line explanation I mentioned I give you -

It was that really weird, green-colored soft drink that Coca-Cola came out with in the later part of the 90s to fight against Mountain Dew. Oh yeah, there's another small detail - it's considered by some devout followers to be the elixir of life itself. Anyway, I was at the store one day meandering around ("meandering" is a word I've been wanting to use on coolSWAG forever) when the thought hit me (and you wouldn't believe how hard thoughts can hit you when they're angry) - I haven't seen Surge in years! What happened? Did it run away to a Mexican circus? Join the Church of Scientology? Was Surge arrested after making an appearance on NBC's To Catch a Predator? I didn't have the slightest idea, but that day in the grocery store, while standing next to the salty snacks and carbonated beverages, I swore to myself I would find out.

Weird...who crunches a can when there's still stuff in it?

After spending the rest of the afternoon reliving the good old days I used to spend hyped up on the stuff (like some kind of liquid cocaine), I did a little bit of research, and discovered that this stuff was discontinued in 2001, but has since developed an international fan club - nay, a cult following. No kidding, there are corners of the web entirely dedicated to this extinct beverage. Huh...all this and we still don't know for sure who the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby is or what ever happened to Jimmy Hoffa. I suppose considering there are websites dedicated to painted De Loreans, I shouldn't really be all that surprised anymore, but I am. The most popular of these sites, called, simply enough, Save Surge, is complete with tee-shirts, birthday cakes, flea market finds, and get this...they've even made a freaking movie about the stuff - and a special edition DVD version is available for only three US dollars right here, if you're the mildly insane type. My favorite find from this hunt for the truth was a "fresh" can of Surge that's for sale on eBay for only $24.50 shipped (paypal only)! And the generous seller has three of them available! Well, make that two because I'm buying one after I'm done with this write-up (not really - I've got less ludicrous things to spend my money on at the moment, like a new pair of headphones because I broke mine yesterday and I can't enjoy youtube without headphones).

The strange thing is, only three months from now, readers of this blog will click that last link only to find that the item is no longer in eBay's database. A sad fact of life and the result of eBay's terrible logging policy, but we must keep on keeping on, no matter how much expired links ruin our reading. Speaking of expired links, a lot of the older pictures from past articles are slowly vanishing from CoolSWAG, and there's honestly not much I can do about it because I've since purchased a new computer and I didn't care enough to back anything up from my old one. Oh well, maybe I'll make a future article where I go back and replace them all with out of place, randomly selected images of candles and coffee beans...that could be amusing. Oh, while we're on the subject, if you don't have a regular habit of rolling your mouse over the images, you should. Half of the things I have to say sometimes are hidden in the dialoge boxes that pop up when you do that.