I decided it was a good time to check out Wendy's rather than spend my Tuesday afternoon eating Chocolate Fudge Pop-tarts and Doublemint gum. This was mostly sparked by that "Wendy's incident" in my last post. Seemed like a fair decision, but just to make it interesting, I thought that in the end I would rate the experience with my usual 1-10 system and include a few pictures (why not?). According to the words surrounding that cute little red head girl's smiling face, quality is their recipe. Yeah, we'll see.
Everything on the outside seemed normal as far as I could tell. No crazy people hanging out in the parking lot asking me to buy watches out of their trench coats or anything weird like that. No, this appeared to be your average, everyday Wendy's. Anyway, rather than subjecting myself to the long lines and that high-pitched beeping noise that the cash register makes when the cashier presses the buttons for the things you order, I decided it would be a better idea to head through the drive thru. I just love how these fast food speaker phones work by the way. Sometimes they're fine and other times it's like I'm communicating with someone on the space shuttle. For your reading pleasure, I've taken the time to delicately recreate today's scenario below.
- GUY TAKING MY ORDER: "Welcome to Wendy's, would you like to try a combo value meal?"
- WHAT I HEAR THROUGH THE SPEAKER: "We like Denny's. Want a dandy fried racoon deal?"
- ME: "Erm, no thanks. I'll just take a classic double."
- GUY TAKING MY ORDER: "Will that be all for you today?"
- WHAT I HEAR THROUGH THE SPEAKER: "Will hats be tall on you today?"
- ME: "I guess."
I gathered from the menu that I was ordering something that looked like this:
Of course we all know that the photos on the menu screen are merely an elaborated portrayal of what the final product might look like if they spent several hours on my order, but I did sort of expect the piece of food cleverly disguised under my foil-like wrapper to somewhat resemble a burger.

No such luck. It didn't taste too bad though. So, am I glad I decided to go to Wendy's? That's a tough question. On one hand I realize that my Pop-tarts and Doublemint would have looked like...Pop-tarts and Doublement. On the other hand, it's a little tougher to do a write-up on breakfast pastries and chewing gum. Anyway, I give Wendy's five out of ten Doublemints. When you think about it, although it's only half way up my rating scale, that's still a lot of gum.