
A holiday for the rest of us!

It's December 23rd. Yes, yes...the big day has arrived at last! What's that? Christmas isn't for another two days? What's that have to do with anything? I'm talking about Festivus - a holiday that is being celebrated on its 40th Anniversary this year (but only its 9th commercially). Get your aluminum pole out of the garage, sit down for a dinner of meatloaf and spaghetti with your family, submit yourself to the Airing of Grievances, and prepare yourself for the Feats of Strength (because, as you know - the day isn't over until the head of the household is pinned!).

I've got a lot of problems with you people!

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I've got an article planned but I don't know if I'll have the chance to deliver it. So keep your eyes opened and your finger on the refresh button (because I know you're obsessed like that). If it's not up before 8:00 PM EST tomorrow, you have my permission to move on. I know it'll be hard, but the A Christmas Story marathon will be starting on TBS and I plan on watching all 24 hours worth. Oh yeah - on a final note: No, I haven't seen Rocky VI yet. It's not something I'm proud to admit, but there you go. I feel like I've committed some capital offense now that it's out in the open. Maybe when Ralphie's all done drooling over that red bar of soap, I can borrow it for a while. A fitting punishment for a terrible crime. I have picked up the Rocky Anthology DVD set which contains Rocky I-V.