
Pepsi gives the idea of a holiday-themed drink another shot

Sorry for breaking the "at-least-one-post-per-week" rule. You can stop emailing me now and asking me if I'm dead. The fact that I respond to your messages should've given you the hint that I wasn't dead, but in case you didn't get it, I'll give it another shot. I'm not dead. Anyway, I'm sure you've probably seen the commercial by now for the new Christmas beverage this season - Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash. From what I understood from the commercial and the history of holiday beverages(Holiday Spice Pepsi in particular), I figured this drink would:

  • a.) be a remix of the original drink - in this case, Sierra Mist with some cranberry flavoring
  • b.) be available only for a limited time (likely through Christmas)
  • c.) taste like...well, something you normally wouldn't drink under any circumstances (basically, you try it because of its "limited edtion" title and because its a Christmassy drink - perfect for trying at Christmastime).

Three of my initial assumptions were dead on. Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash is essentially a remix of traditional Sierra Mist with some cranberry flavoring added in. In case you haven't had the original version of the beverage - it's lemon-lime, falling into the same category as 7up, Sprite, and...yeah. So anyway, I was also correct in thinking that its a limited thing. Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash will only be available through Christmas. Where I went wrong in my figuring was how it would taste. I honestly expected this stuff to taste like a bad cough drop. It tasted more like a cross between cherry Kool-Aid and well, Sierra Mist. It's not half bad, and I'll probably give it another go at some point before Santa goes back to sleep after his flight on December 24th.

They could probably call it Christmist...lol

The weird part about all of this, is that you know its a drink for the holidays, but they make no effort in making the actual product look like a Christmas-themed drink as far as the bottle goes. It's only going to be available for a limited time and it's got cranberry flavoring (which wouldn't really seem logical at any other time of the year), but the label on the bottle isn't Christmassy at all (there are no snow-covered trees, wrapped gifts, or Elves anywhere). I think they're just trying to stay on everybody's good side - Christmas lovers and Christmas-hating Wal*Marts alike, but they could have at least put some snowflakes on the label. At least the "Holiday Hawk" in the commercial sings Jingle Bells. That makes things a little bit better. Not "good" better though. Just kinda like the "calm-after-ripping-off-a-band-aid" better. Anyway, go try the drink. If I haven't convinced you. maybe the singing "Holiday Hawk" will. Check out the commercial below.

Oh yeah, to celebrate the weird occasion of a holiday drink actually tasting descent, I'm bringing back the rating scale from last December. At one point, the rating scale was going to be a running gag around here. It never really took off though. Oh well. I give Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash a nine out of ten snowflakes (oh, and if you're wondering, I am using the snowflake scale out of spite - Pepsi didn't use them on their labels, but that won't stop coolSWAG).

Less than iSketch, because iSketch is nice enough to stick around all year

And on one final, semi-related note - Cingular has a new commercial running, where they've taken clips from A Christmas Story (still my favorite Christmas movie ever), and edited in their own actors in place of the real ones to promote a new Go Phone. It's not all that funny, but I applaud them for trying. Besides, I love anything and everything Christmas-related (at least I think), and this qualifies.