
Hello Halloween...goodbye Halloween

First off, let me say this: I don't dislike Halloween. It's just, if for some weird reason Halloween was accidentally skipped one year, I probably wouldn't notice. For me, Halloween is merely an indicator of just how close we are to Christmas. I would probably get weird looks if I dressed up like Optimus Prime and went trick-or-treating, so I don't get any candy. I have very few fond memories of Halloween (one or two maybe), so I don't have much of a sentimental value for it. It's just kinda there. At the end of October I expect to see crappy latex masks of Frankenstein and Michael Jackson flooding the shelves. I expect to be reminded of just how much I hate candy corn. I expect to see the hosts of the Today Show dressed up in goofy costumes, and I expect to see "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" (which turned 40 this year, by the way). I expect it, but I guess I only expect it like I do Fridays. Some people wait all week long for Friday. It's their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It's their proverbial easy chair after a stressful week at the office. Me? I'm a Saturday man. Why look forward to Friday? It's just another day of work. Saturday is the real prize. Halloween is Friday and Christmas is Saturday. Wait a second...I guess I left out Thanksgiving. It can be Friday night. So Halloween is Friday from 6AM-5PM, Thanksgiving is Friday night, and Christmas is Saturday. And Sunday. I can't believe it's only October 31st. I'm going to go listen to Feliz Navidad.

Santa owns Frankenstein any day