It's December 23rd. Yes, yes...the big day has arrived at last! What's that? Christmas isn't for another two days? What's that have to do with anything? I'm talking about Festivus - a holiday that is being celebrated on its 40th Anniversary this year (but only its 9th commercially). Get your aluminum pole out of the garage, sit down for a dinner of meatloaf and spaghetti with your family, submit yourself to the Airing of Grievances, and prepare yourself for the Feats of Strength (because, as you know - the day isn't over until the head of the household is pinned!).

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I've got an article planned but I don't know if I'll have the chance to deliver it. So keep your eyes opened and your finger on the refresh button (because I know you're obsessed like that). If it's not up before 8:00 PM EST tomorrow, you have my permission to move on. I know it'll be hard, but the A Christmas Story marathon will be starting on TBS and I plan on watching all 24 hours worth. Oh yeah - on a final note: No, I haven't seen Rocky VI yet. It's not something I'm proud to admit, but there you go. I feel like I've committed some capital offense now that it's out in the open. Maybe when Ralphie's all done drooling over that red bar of soap, I can borrow it for a while. A fitting punishment for a terrible crime. I have picked up the Rocky Anthology DVD set which contains Rocky I-V.