

If you checked out my last post, you knew about this article before it was posted. You got a sneak preview. A snippet. A tease. You saw the future and it was a rocky one (get it...rocky? Ha ha - I still got it). So, Sylvester Stallone is making another Rocky movie - the first one in fifteen years. Think about this now: the man chose to make a boxing-movie comeback at the magical age of fifty-nine. That's only one year shy of the big six-zero, folks...a little late to be stepping back into the ring, methinks. Not to mention, it isn't really possible to top the fight from Rocky IV with Ivan Drago (that larger-than-a-man-should-be-Russian). That's why Rocky V was such a tremendous failure. I mean, we went from a guy who had biceps bigger than a mid-sized passenger vehicle, to a whiney punk with an I-couldn’t-win-against-Rocky-if-he-were-twelve-and-crippled-voice. I seriously thought the kid was going to cry every time he opened his mouth.

The worst shock of all is the fact that they killed off Adrian. That's right, you heard it here first. Adrian isn't in this one (unless they throw her in one of those classic Rocky-style flashback montages). Who's the Italion stallion going to scream for now after his fights? At his age, I would imagine someone along the lines of a chiropractor. Ah well, at least Paulie will be showing up again, because if they took Paulie out of the film, I would probably run up to Sly on the streets and throw 7-UP in his eyes - and that burns like you wouldn't believe. Moving on...yeah the movie itself doesn't look all that bad from what I've seen - aside from the whole "killing off Adrian" thing. In response to my last post, an insider sent me a handful of pictures from the movie, and I'm not about to keep them all to myself. So, without further delay, I present to you, the readers of the SWAG, an exclusive (to my knowledge) first look:

Oh, by the way, I also got word from my insider that Mr. T is going to be in the film. He'll be returning as Clubber Lang, but rather than knocking out Rocky again (he was the only one who ever did during Rocky's reign as World Champ), he'll be showing up as a commentator.

Not as cool as seeing him do another round in the ring, but I guess it's still pretty cool. Ah well. Keep SWAGging.