

What is coolSWAG? The "cool" tacked on the front of the name is pretty obvious I would think, but just in case you can't figure out the whole "SWAG" part (hint: it's an acronym), I'll go ahead and do the work for you:
  • Stuff
  • We
  • All
  • Get

Pretty straightforward and self-explanatory from here. This place was made for pure entertainment. What this site is not: a chronicle of pointless drivel centering around things that nobody in their right mind should be reading about, like my mood or what I watched last night on NBC. I won't be keeping you updated about what I had for dinner, and this isn't some prissy journal where I'll come whine about how my boss is a jerk or how it rained today and ruined my plans to walk my dog in the park. That's not to say that you won't occasionally hear something about my life - just that I'll try to make it worth reading about when you do.

When I first started thinking about launching coolSWAG, something hit me: there's a funny thing about people - they all share a common desire to be somebody. I'm not sure if this the catalyst for people wanting to blog, or if it's just the hope that others will find what they have to say interesting. The problem with the latter is that a lot of people are just bland. For instance, do you think the guy who invented oatmeal would have been a blogger? Maybe if he hadn't been so busy creating nasty tasting breakfast porridge he would have taken the time to share his other, less ridiculous thoughts with the world. Of course, the fact that the internet hadn't yet been invented might have ultimately prevented our oat cooking friend from realizing this dream.

coolSWAG hates oatmeal, but loves the oatmeal guy

But I digress (if that's even possible in a blog). I started this page to give my own little commentary on life. I'll be updating fairly often (at least that's the plan), so bookmark the site, and check back for more of my nonsensical rambling whenever you get bored enough. It's a decent way to kill some time or at the very least, maybe get some cheap laughs, and if that's not enough for you, there's a wealth of games to be found in the links off to the right of this page.